- betulin
- бетулин
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre. 2014.
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre. 2014.
Betulin — Bet u*lin, n. [L. betula birch tree.] (Chem.) a term originally applied to a substance obtained as a resin or tar by extraction from the outer bark of the common European white birch ({Betula alba}); now referring to the chemical compound… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Betŭlin — Betŭlin, von Lowitz 1788 in der Oberrinde der Birke als eigene Substanz ausgeschieden, von John 1811 als eigener Pflanzenstoff aufgestellt. Man erhält ihn durch Ausschwitzen aus, bis zum Dämpfen erhitzter Birkenrinde, als ein Gespinnst von weißer … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Betulin — Strukturformel Allgemeines Name Betulin Andere Namen Betulinol … Deutsch Wikipedia
Betulin — Chembox new Name = Betulin ImageFile = Betulin.svg ImageName = Betulin IUPACName = 3a Hydroxymethyl 1 isopropenyl 5a,5b,8,8,11a pentamethyl icosahydro cyclopenta [a] chrysen 9 ol OtherNames = lup 20(29) ene 3β,28 diol Section1 = Chembox… … Wikipedia
betulin — ˈbechələ̇n noun ( s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary betul (from New Latin Betula, genus name of Betula alba) + in : betulinol * * * betulin ( … Useful english dictionary
betulin — noun A naturally abundant triterpene, commonly isolated from the bark of birch trees, that can be converted to betulinic acid … Wiktionary
betulin — bet·u·lin … English syllables
betulin(ol) — n. resinous extract of birch bark; birch camphor … Dictionary of difficult words
Betula alba — Betulin Bet u*lin, n. [L. betula birch tree.] (Chem.) a term originally applied to a substance obtained as a resin or tar by extraction from the outer bark of the common European white birch ({Betula alba}); now referring to the chemical compound … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
birch camphor — Betulin Bet u*lin, n. [L. betula birch tree.] (Chem.) a term originally applied to a substance obtained as a resin or tar by extraction from the outer bark of the common European white birch ({Betula alba}); now referring to the chemical compound … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
C30H50O2 — Betulin Bet u*lin, n. [L. betula birch tree.] (Chem.) a term originally applied to a substance obtained as a resin or tar by extraction from the outer bark of the common European white birch ({Betula alba}); now referring to the chemical compound … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English